Saturday, August 16, 2008

Got to Start Somewhere ----

Welcome to my new blog about one of my favorite subjects. Grand Cayman Island.

I've just returned from my second trip to the Grand Cayman this summer and have brought back with me 12 videos and tons of pictures. You can find the videos either at 1) Facebook -- look for the Cayman Is Best group; 2) YouTube -- posted by CaymanIsBest or 3) on our web page (click to visit).

On this trip, I was struck by how much Grand Cayman has changed in just the last few months. The east end of the island has lots of new construction and a couple of large condo projects are getting started.

The construction along Seven Mile Beach on Grand Cayman Island is really coming along quickly and my real estate friends are telling me that the sales are moving VERY FAST -- much faster than expected. Hard to explain, but wealthy Americans are pulling money out of the US real estate and stock markets and are putting it in the Cayman Islands.

I look forward to posting lots of information on this blog. Please give me any suggestions to make this better -- i'm a novice.

Thanks -- Jeff Villwock

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